Experience: California Training
50 California
| The Brannan | Ghiradelli Square | Hills Plaza | Opera Plaza | PG & E

CrewLeader: Karen Harrison 2003

The PG & E building had a shade garden with desiduous Cersis and Dogwood trees. The underplantings were Ferns, Clivia, Mondo Grass, hydrangeas, Nepeta, Bacopa, Loropetulam, and Pelargoniums and spots of rotated color.
The rocks were important focal points for the garden.
The back entry was lined with containers with Vibournum 'Spring Boquet' and Bacopa.
A second smaller PG & E site. This small bed had an espeliared Grewia Shrub, Japanese Barberry, and Loriope.
The street view of the second site. It contained Euphorbia, Flax, and Blue fescue Grass.
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