This site
had 3 components, the Plaza, the Residental area, and
interior Elevator Lobby.
This was
the Garden Bed which with a Privet hedge for a backdrop
and sound barrier, an Olive tree, Boxwoods, Australian
Fuchias, Lambs Ears, Coriopsis, Companula, Lavender,
Yarrow, Bacopa, Loriope, Sea Lavender, and Daffadil
The unattached
containers had Loropetulam, and Flax and color that
was on a bi-yearly color rotation.
Up on the
Residental level, the was a concrete park to provide
the residents with a feeling of warmth to detract from
the townhouse apartments.
There were
18 containers like this one that had a Flax as the centerpoint,
and color changed bi-yearly.