Experience: California Training
50 California
| The Brannan | Ghiradelli Square | Hills Plaza | Opera Plaza | PG & E

Opera Plaza
CrewLeader: Karen Harrison 2000-2003

This site had 3 components, the Plaza, the Residental area, and interior Elevator Lobby.

This was the Garden Bed which with a Privet hedge for a backdrop and sound barrier, an Olive tree, Boxwoods, Australian Fuchias, Lambs Ears, Coriopsis, Companula, Lavender, Yarrow, Bacopa, Loriope, Sea Lavender, and Daffadil Bulbs.

The unattached containers had Loropetulam, and Flax and color that was on a bi-yearly color rotation.

Up on the Residental level, the was a concrete park to provide the residents with a feeling of warmth to detract from the townhouse apartments.

There were 18 containers like this one that had a Flax as the centerpoint, and color changed bi-yearly.


Another color rotation with the Flax.
The focalpoint on the Residential level involved the most vibrant color rotations. The central plant was a Tibochina with Snapdragons, Lobelia, Diascia, and a perenial Heutenia that came back every spring.
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