Hardcopy on File:


August 27, 2002

Dear Karen,

We would like to recognize your special caring and dedicated work to both Ghiradelli Square and to Opera Plaza. You bring excellent gardening skills and customer service, but also leadership and vision for the property.

It has also come to my attention that you personally take plants home, nurse them, and bring them to Opera Plaza to help "stretch" their budget and to give extended life to the plants. And, when you mentioned that you researched on your own time, the "socks" for Opera Plaza that help catch fertilizer run off, this clearly is creative thinking and a solution that delighted our customer. Your insight into what will work for the clients, and won't, for example knowing that "dye" won't work at Ghiradelli Square, has enabled Gardeners' Guild to retain these clients.

Karen, you are a valuable employee owner of Gardeners' Guild, Inc., and you have our most sincere appreciation and thanks for being on the team.


Linda J. Novy
President and CEO

Kevin Davis
Vice President and COO

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